ACR is an open-source (free) first-person-shooter combining the best traits from various popular shooting games.
It targets realistic gameplay, specified by many settings and options.
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AssaultCube Reloaded (ACR) is a free-and-open-source first-person-shooter. Formerly called AssaultCube Special Edition, it was created by the AssaultCube Reloaded Task Force to improve AssaultCube.
This game combines the best of all worlds:
Here are just some of the many improvements compared to AssaultCube:
“Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.”
We try to avoid banning; the system should prevent the issues instead. If we are forced to use bans as a last-resort, we never issue permanent bans. However, to prevent abuse, repeated offences result in longer bans.
“The power of imagination makes us infinite.”
“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”
This project originally started out as a modification of AssaultCube to reduce possible client cheats. Now, it is a completely different game, with different gameplay.